Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) adalah daftar halaman website yang ditampilkan oleh sebuah search engine sebagai tanggapan atas permintaan user yang mengetikkan sebuah keyword yang sedang dicari informasinya.

Yang disajikan biasanya meliputi daftar alamat situs yang relevan, dengan title, link URL ke halaman situs tersebut dan keterangan singkat untuk menggambarkan bagaimana keyword telah sesuai dengan content yang terkandung di dalam halaman situs tersebut (menurut pihak search engine disebut dengan istilah dokumen).

SERP mungkin merujuk pada sebuah halaman dari alamat situs yang dimaksud, atau sebuah kumpulan dari semua alamat situs yang dihasilkan oleh query keyword pengunjung.

Query caching
Beberapa search engine menyimpan duplikat (cache) SERP untuk keyword yang sering dicari dan menampilkan SERP yang di cache tersebut dan bukan hasil yang sebenarnya untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pengantaran SERP oleh search engine. Search engine mengupdate cache SERPs secara periodik untuk menggantikan SERP lama yang sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan adanya situs-situs baru yang baru saja dicrawl. Sering kali ranking di dalam SERP juga disesuaikan. Jadi jangan heran, untuk query pencarian keyword tertentu di search engine akan lebih cepat ditayangkan hasilnya, walaupun seakan-akan search engine sudah mengindex lebih dari 5 juta halaman dokumen terkait.(/roy)

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pslvseoa6 mengatakan...

Schema Creator
Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.

pslvseo a8 mengatakan...

Schema Creator
Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.

pslvseo a8 mengatakan...

Schema Creator
Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.

pslvseo a3 mengatakan...

Schema Creator
Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.